IF there is lead in either of the tea samples, the Chinese Dragonwell or the Japanese Sencha, or any of the waters being tested, a precipitate will form once potassium iodide liquid is added.
Background Information:
Two teas and two waters have already been tested for possible lead contamination. See the first post HERE.
Potassium iodide forms a precipitate with only three ions: mercury, silver and lead. We are assuming (and hoping!!!) there is no silver or mercury present in the teas or waters being tested. The potassium iodide is a much more specific test than the sodium carbonate used in the previous post. In that case, a precipitate forms with a number of ions, many of which are not toxic or concerning at all! So this test will tell us if something more sinister is lurking.
The two teas will be prepared in exactly the same manner as before: using filtered fridge water, 80 degrees Celsius, steeped for 2 minutes. The same cups and infusers will be used. We will also test the same waters: the filtered fridge water and the President's Choice bottled water. Four drops of KI(l) will be added to each solution. If lead is present, a precipitate will form.
The Japanese Sencha is on the right. It is less clear before the potassium iodide is added. However, if a precipitate forms it will become quite milky and a solid will sink to the bottom.
Let's add the potassium iodide!
No precipitate formed in either of the teas, the filtered fridge water or the bottled water!
Just for fun, I decided to use this bagged Twinings Green Tea
I made the tea, filtered it and added the KI(l). No precipitate there, either. Very impressive.
You and I can feel good about drinking our green teas. At least DAVIDsTEA and Twinings. They are officially lead free.
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