Monday, August 22, 2016

Steeped Tea Launch Party #1!

In case you missed it, I made the announcement in my last blog post that I recently joined Steeped Tea Inc. as a Consultant! I had my first launch party and decided to share the experience with all of you!
I recently inherited a full set of Old Country Roses china by Royal Albert and decided this was a perfect opportunity to show off my china and all my beautiful new teas. I bought two dozen roses at Costco and placed them in teacups around the kitchen, dining room and living room for decoration. I also added a bouquet of roses and carnations to my Old Country Roses teapot. 

I had so much fun decorating!

Next I had fun laying out all my teas and fun Steeped Tea items. 

I only had three guests show up and felt a little disappointed. But they were SO EXCITED and supportive! They were two of my dearest friends and my daughter in law. And of course my upline showed up, who's my fave BFF in all the world. We had such a lovely time talking tea, temperature (yes, I lectured a bit), smelling and tasting. 

I started out by serving some hot Peaches and Cream White Tea. Everybody had really positive feedback. Next I served Earl Grey de la Creme. One of the gals didn't even want to try it - the smell put her off. She's not an Earl Grey fan. The other two really liked it. Finally we ended up with iced Berry Mania - two of the three liked it. 

For food I served the Caramel Apple Cheeseball with graham crackers - WOW. We had a cracker and cheese plate, and my husband surprised us by making chicken salad sandwiches with TEA-yaki rub on naan bread! It was all a hit! Followed by sweets from Costco. 

Since there was such a small group we decided to have some fun - and also because this was my training party. We smelled as many teas as we felt like and made any we wanted - included Macchiato Dream, English Breakfast and two of my ST matchas. English Breakfast turned out to be quite a hit - much to my surprise, I find it a bit boring - and two customers ordered it!

All three customers placed orders and I am well on my way to earning my Success Start. Two of them are having parties next month. I am thrilled. 

My second party is this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. 

I now have samples ready to go, and my Serendipity Teapot and Teacup have arrived - more on that later!

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